Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Another One Bites the Dust......... a.k.a. Stephen's Birthday

Over the past weekend, I celebrated my 28th birthday. I decided that I had been working too much and not taking a chance to relax, so I took off the weekend, packed my bags and Jesse & I went to Houston. I enjoyed spending my birthday with family as my parents also drove over and we all stayed with my sister and her husband.

To show how much relaxing we indulged in, below are the pictures of our breakfast as we left out of Baton Rouge on Friday morning. Lets take a wild guess at who has which breakfast??

If you guessed that I enjoyed the traditional Chocolate Milk and Mary Lee Donuts, you would be correct. Jesse enjoyed a nice breakfast from Community Coffee House consisting of a Latte and cake.

Of course after Jesse enjoyed breakfast and we hit the open road, she quickly pulled out her favorite travel companion, her pillow and blanket. Can you feel the love from her on my 5 hour drive as she sleeps? Not to fear, about an hour and forty-five minutes in, we had to stop in for gas. As I woke her up to let her know we were having a fill up with gas, stretch, and bathroom stop, I jokingly said, "Want to go hold baby alligators across the street??" Granted I've seen this place a bunch of times driving to Houston, but have never stopped to go. But to my surprise, she responded, " Heck yea I wanna hold a baby gator." So hopefully she'll forgive me for posting this picture below, but she was already in her sleep portion of the trip when she was suddenly woke up for this experience.

On Friday night, before dinner, Jesse and my sister and mother went and enjoyed a pedicure in Rice Village. After returning, my sister and brother-in-law wanted to take Jesse and I out for dinner to get to know her a little better, since this was the first time since we started dating that they had a chance to meet her. So we decided since it was still Lent and on a Friday, to head over to Woodrow's in The Heights for some boiled Crawfish.

Jesse and I decided to grab and early morning run on Saturday. Since the train and dogs woke us up early, we headed out about 8 am. We went to the nearby Buffalo Bayou Walking trail. We started towards downtown Houston, unfortunately it was rather foggy still, so in the pictures you couldn't see the sky-scrapers. Instead for your viewing pleasure, we provide a stretch of the trail through the trees.

After we finished our run, we headed back to my sisters to clean up and grab breakfast. My brother-in-law once again out did himself on the breakfast prepared for six people at 9 am. It was a good start to the day, which parlayed into our trip up to Cypress to the Houston Premium Outlets. This was a major item on the agenda for both Jesse and I as we had both been getting into better shape and as everyone knows, when you lose weight and inches exercising, your clothes begin to fall off and no longer fit. So Jesse was mainly looking for jeans, shorts, and some cute tops. I on the other hand had a main focus on jeans, with the wondering eye looking out for dress pants for work, some new khaki shorts, and some casual shirts. My sister and mom took the opportunity to go with us as well and the below shot of Jesse's SUV shows everyone's success in Cypress.

After the outlet mall, we made a quick b line to Chuy's Mexican Restaurant for dinner. We met up with my dad and brother-in-law, Mike. As always, Chuy's hit the spot with the delicious food, even though I was a little disappointed they would not substitute beef for chicken on the chimichanga.

Sunday morning, Jesse and I went with my parents to church in Memorial park for Palm Sunday. I must admit that having the priests we did was enjoyable. One of the priests was from the United Kingdom and he waved the palms around as someone at a sporting events would wave a rally towel. Unfortunately, my mind continued to wonder and somewhat have the occasional laugh at the thought of him at a Manchester United match. Like I said, my mind can wonder at times. But my mom looked it up when we got back to Baton Rouge and apparently the church wants us to celebrate with the palms as he was doing.

After church we stopped at a local nursery and picked up some herb plants to bring back and rejuvenate our herb garden. We then met up with everyone at Saltgrass Steak House for my birthday lunch. Aside from the pair of screaming kids next to us just to hear themselves scream, as the parents laughed and didn't try to calm the situation, it was a great lunch. I enjoyed the 6 oz. Filet Mignon wrapped in bacon topped with Bleu Cheese crumbles and melted butter served with mashed potatoes and caesar salad. Jesse enjoyed a 6 oz. Sirloin Steak served with soup.

Jesse and I broke away and headed to the Galleria to walk around and look at various stores, but I learned a quadrant to keep her away from. I know in a few years that I will need to keep her away from the quadrant of Sephora, Tory Burch, Burberry, Louis Vuitton, Kate Spade, and Zara. Other than that quadrant, her eyes never really lit up.

After leaving the Galleria, we headed over to Trader Joe's to see what we've heard so much about and get a preview of what's coming to Baton Rouge. We grabbed some great things which aren't available in Baton Rouge, so we'll definitely be shopping there when it opens. And of course, I can't go without saying that while Jesse was having a pedicure, the men headed to Spec's and I was able to find one of Jesse's favorite wines, Covey Run.

It was time to head back to Baton Rouge and what does Jesse do?? And of course, she grabs the pillow and blanket out. 

We all enjoyed the nice break from the busy schedule and getting to relax in Houston for my birthday was the perfect choice. Even though I hate the fact that I'm climbing in age, at least with Jesse by my side and family around, I'll be aging like a fine wine only getting better as the years pass by.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Chef Creations: Sweet Potato Boats, never heard of them but they were delicious!

We decided to try recreating a recipe Stephen saw on Instagram from someone he follows. We saw a great looking dish which combined meat, sweet potato, and salsa. We made them in two different formats to see how they would work out.

Since Stephen had just made some boudin balls and remoulade sauce, he decided to scoop out some of the sweet potato, break apart a boudin ball, and top it with remoulade sauce. I decided to try ground buffalo spread over a sweet potato, and covered with salsa. Both were delicious, I just think Stephen added too much remoulade sauce and might need to back down the amount next time not to overpower it.

Sweet Potato Boat with Buffalo & Salsa
Makes 2 servings
Nutritional Facts (per 1 serving):
155 Calories, 2g Fat, 35mg Cholesterol, 433mg Sodium, 601mg Potassium, 23g Carbs, 5g Fiber, 
8g Sugars, 14g Protein, 325% Vitamin A, 28% Vitamin C, 4% Calcium, 12% Iron

1 large Sweet Potato
3 oz. Ground Buffalo
2 Tbsp. Salsa


1. Cut a large sweet potato in half.

2. Bake the two halves in the oven to soften the potato.

3. Remove from oven and scoop out some of the middle.

4. Heat up 6 oz. of ground buffalo. Cover each half with 3 oz. of ground buffalo.

5. Top each half of boudin with one tablespoon of salsa.

Sweet Potato Boat with Boudin & Remoulade Sauce
Makes 2 servings
Nutritional Facts (per 1 serving):
214 Calories, 15g Fat, 14mg Cholesterol, 145mg Sodium, 318mg Potassium, 15g Carbs, 3g Fiber,
5g Sugars, 7g Protein, 245% Vitamin A, 32% Vitamin C, 4% Calcium, 4% Iron

1 large Sweet Potato
2 2 oz. Boudin Ball
1 Tbsp. Remoulade Sauce


1. Cut a large sweet potato in half.

2. Bake the two halves in the oven to soften the potato.

3. Remove from oven and scoop out some of the middle.

4. Heat up two boudin balls. Break apart two boudin balls and spread across each half.

5. Top each half of boudin with one tablespoon of remoulade sauce.

Another Birthday for Jesse!!! And Stephen's isn't far behind :/

Over the past weekend, Jesse celebrated her birthday. She undoubtably did not enjoy making that leap of age into the late twenties. I really have no room to talk, I'm already in my late twenties and have accepted that I'm not going to get younger in age by number, but I can get younger, faster, and stronger in ability of mind and body.

I never realized what kind of girl I fell in love with, apparently I didn't notice she is a four year old trapped in an aging body who is over the age of twenty one. What makes me have this comment?? Oh just the fact that the breakfast she asked me to make her on her birthday morning was a banana cake batter protein pancake with sprinkles baked inside, topped with bubble gum flavored icing, sprinkles, & candles.

Even though she is a kid when it comes to her birthday, apparently I have blonde hair that is just colored wrong. Last night I cooked a dinner for Jesse and my parents. How simple is cooking chicken wrapped in bacon?? Not only did I mess it up, I burned the heck out of the first two pieces of chicken.

My only defense was that I was using my cast iron skillet for maybe the third time, used a little too much extra virgin olive oil, and had the temperature raised too high for too long (I didn't think the skillet would heat up that quickly).

I will admit that there are no pictures of my disaster, only because my plate did not resemble the fact I was eating chicken wrapped in bacon, but Jesse made some delicious twice baked potatoes. She'll have to give the recipe just in case you don't already know how to do it, like me.

Unfortunately for the two of us, we've been rather busy and fell off the healthy eating and working out schedule we had created. Fear not, we will be jumping back on the wagon after this weekend and/or whenever we get back from Houston for my birthday weekend.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Chef Masterpiece: Remoulade Sauce made from scratch

A few weeks ago I promised to share my recipe for making my special Remoulade Sauce and today I have the step by step process to help you create this great sauce. This sauce is not only great for boudin balls, but also for alligator, some fried fish, and it also serves as a great salad dressing.

Stephen's Homemade Remoulade Sauce
Nutritional Facts per serving (Serving size 1 Tablespoon):
43.6 calories, 3.2g Fat, 3.2g Cholesterol, 250.2g Sodium, 1.8g Potassium, 2.4g Carbs, 0g Fiber, 
0.1g Sugars, 0g Protein, 1.1% Vitamin A, 0.6% Vitamin C, 0% Calcium, 0.1% Iron

1 Tbsp of finely minced bell pepper
1/4 cup of finely diced onion
1/2 cup Ketchup
2 Tsp  Dijon mustard
1 Tbsp Capers, strained and diced
1/4 cup plus 3 Tbsp Mayonnaise
3 Tbsp Horseradish
1/2 Tsp Cajun Seasoning
2 Tsp Hot Sauce

Monday, March 4, 2013

Weekend Happenings: LSU and Boudin Balls

Friday night, Stephen and I went out to dinner with his parents at a local Cajun restaurant, Parrain's. We didn't take pictures of our meals, but Stephen had the thin-fried catfish with fries and hushpuppies while I had crawfish etouffee. Fridays during Lent = seafood dinners for us Catholic kids!

Saturday, Stephen had to work, so I spent the day doing laundry, cleaning my apartment, and watching YouTube. It was a much-needed day to myself to just hang out; it's the only-child in me... sometimes, I just need a day to lounge around alone.

Can you tell how cold I am? Look at that fist!
After Stephen got off work Saturday night, we went to the LSU vs. Brown baseball game. It was FREEZING! Seriously, I think it was 31 degrees when we left the game. I wore compression running capris under my jeans and a turtleneck under my LSU half-zip.

After the game, we went for dinner with Stephen's parents again. This time, we went to Mellow Mushroom. Again, we didn't take pictures of our pizzas, but Stephen had a small Mighty Meaty with jalapenos, and I had a small cheese pizza with mushrooms.

Rice-less boudin balls... still delicious!
Once we got home, Stephen started prepping his boudin balls. They are quite labor intensive, so we split the work between Saturday night and Sunday evening. That prep work finished around 1:30AM.

Today, Stephen had to work again, and again, I was pretty lazy. I did manage to make it to the gym for a whopping 30 minutes (enter sarcasm). I just wasn't feeling it--I guess that's what a weekend of crappy (but delicious) food and no working out will do for a person.

Stephen finished up his boudin balls for dinner tonight, but he forgot to add the rice! If you've ever had boudin balls, then you know rice is a pretty crucial ingredient. Like, it's right up there in importance with the pork itself.

Stephen's dinner: boudin balls with
remoulade sauce and Caesar salad
My dinner: deconstructed boudin balls
and salad

 So, what's this carb-
 lovin' girl to do when faced with rice-less boudin balls? Well, make deconstructed boudin balls, of course! I put a serving of white rice in a bowl, put on two boudin balls, and topped with a remoulade sauce drizzle. Delish!

Now, it's time for me to get ready for Mass. Yes, we are going at 10PM. Here's hoping I can stay awake... Actually, no worries; I took a lovely nap this afternoon :)

I think it's time for a reset week, no? A week of healthy eating and exercise before my birthday celebrations commence this weekend!