Monday, March 4, 2013

Weekend Happenings: LSU and Boudin Balls

Friday night, Stephen and I went out to dinner with his parents at a local Cajun restaurant, Parrain's. We didn't take pictures of our meals, but Stephen had the thin-fried catfish with fries and hushpuppies while I had crawfish etouffee. Fridays during Lent = seafood dinners for us Catholic kids!

Saturday, Stephen had to work, so I spent the day doing laundry, cleaning my apartment, and watching YouTube. It was a much-needed day to myself to just hang out; it's the only-child in me... sometimes, I just need a day to lounge around alone.

Can you tell how cold I am? Look at that fist!
After Stephen got off work Saturday night, we went to the LSU vs. Brown baseball game. It was FREEZING! Seriously, I think it was 31 degrees when we left the game. I wore compression running capris under my jeans and a turtleneck under my LSU half-zip.

After the game, we went for dinner with Stephen's parents again. This time, we went to Mellow Mushroom. Again, we didn't take pictures of our pizzas, but Stephen had a small Mighty Meaty with jalapenos, and I had a small cheese pizza with mushrooms.

Rice-less boudin balls... still delicious!
Once we got home, Stephen started prepping his boudin balls. They are quite labor intensive, so we split the work between Saturday night and Sunday evening. That prep work finished around 1:30AM.

Today, Stephen had to work again, and again, I was pretty lazy. I did manage to make it to the gym for a whopping 30 minutes (enter sarcasm). I just wasn't feeling it--I guess that's what a weekend of crappy (but delicious) food and no working out will do for a person.

Stephen finished up his boudin balls for dinner tonight, but he forgot to add the rice! If you've ever had boudin balls, then you know rice is a pretty crucial ingredient. Like, it's right up there in importance with the pork itself.

Stephen's dinner: boudin balls with
remoulade sauce and Caesar salad
My dinner: deconstructed boudin balls
and salad

 So, what's this carb-
 lovin' girl to do when faced with rice-less boudin balls? Well, make deconstructed boudin balls, of course! I put a serving of white rice in a bowl, put on two boudin balls, and topped with a remoulade sauce drizzle. Delish!

Now, it's time for me to get ready for Mass. Yes, we are going at 10PM. Here's hoping I can stay awake... Actually, no worries; I took a lovely nap this afternoon :)

I think it's time for a reset week, no? A week of healthy eating and exercise before my birthday celebrations commence this weekend!

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