Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Paleo Food Blog: Day 1

Stephen and I have decided to begin eating Paleo. I'm sure most of you know this, but Paleo basically eliminates food from our modern diets that cavemen wouldn't have eaten, namely dairy, grains, and soy. The diet focuses instead on eating meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts, and seeds.

I've decided to complete food blogs for the first 30 days of the "diet": The 30-Day Reset.

Breakfast: 6:30 AM
Two hard-boiled eggs
Cara Cara orange

Lunch: 12:00 PM
Mashed tuna & avocado with lemon juice & lemon pepper served over chopped tomato
Hard-boiled egg
Trail Mix (made by Stephen: raw almonds, walnuts, pecans, and raisins)

Dinner: 9:30 PM (yes, way too late)
Paleo Shepherd's Pie

All in all, day one was a success! I was hungry before meals, but I was never ravenous or tempted to grab something between meals (though snacking on Paleo-approved foods certainly wouldn't have been a bad thing!). Meals were delicious--the Paleo Shepherd's Pie is definitely worth repeating!

I won't lie; Stephen and I are sitting on the couch watching Dance Moms (yeah, he's definitely a keeper for that one!), and I would like something a little sweet for "dessert." Maybe I'll go grab a few raisins :)

Paleo Shepherd's Pie
*Original recipe can be found here, but I've written my modified version below

1 pound ground meat (we used extra lean ground turkey)
1 carrot, chopped
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, chopped
Button mushrooms, chopped (for me, not Stephen!)
1 head of cauliflower, cut into florets
1 egg
1/2 cup + splash chicken stock
Fresh Rosemary
Dried Herbs de Provence
Dried Italian Seasoning (I used these two dried herb blends because I didn't have fresh thyme and sage as the original recipe called for)

Saute carrots, onion, garlic, and mushroom in EVOO until veggies begin to soften. Add ground meat and cook thoroughly. Turn off heat and add 1/2 cup chicken broth to deglaze the pan. Add salt, pepper, half of fresh rosemary and small amount of dried herb blends. Place into casserole dish, ramekins, etc.

Meanwhile, boil cauliflower florets until soft. In a mixing bowl, whisk egg and splash of chicken stock. Add cauliflower, rest of rosemary, and small amount of dried italian seasoning. Mash to desired consistency--ideally like mashed potatoes. Spread over meat mixture in casserole dish.

Bake at 350 for 10 minutes, then broil for 10 minutes.

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