Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Paleo Update! {Or, better titled, Where Have I Been??}

So, long time, no update. I'm sure you assumed that we did the whole paleo thing for about 3.2 seconds then gave it up... Understandable.

But no.

Stephen and I have actually been doing really well with eating Paleo--seriously, no cheats! I know it's recommended not to weigh during the 30-day Reset, but we just can't help ourselves! Of course, overall health and wellness is our primary goal, but seeing that number on the scale change is just so darn motivating! Since May 1, I've lost 6.4 pounds and Stephen's lost over 10! I'm not sure of his exact number, and I can't ask him right now because he's asleep in the recliner (at 12:54PM! I'm not one to judge though; I'm the absolute queen of napping!)

We are having a lazy Tuesday--I'm on break from school for two weeks (I begin teaching summer school on May 28) and it's Stephen's finals week. He's definitely feeling the stress and strain of finals week and has been studying like crazy...

As you can tell...

Anyway, I had originally said I was going to write daily food blogs of my eats during our 30-Day Reset. Ha! Silly Jesse... I'm a college English instructor, and it was finals week. My days have consisted largely of grading and (black) coffee.

Still, I did manage to snap some pictures of some of my meals for you guys. I have May 3 and 4 in lovely picstitches:

May 3
Lunch: Salad (lettuce, tomatoes, avocado, boiled shrimp, salsa)
Snack: Apple and Trader Joe's almond butter (the best! too bad we don't have a TJ's nearby...)
Dinner: Taco lettuce wraps with spicy mango-jalapeno slaw and sliced avocado

May 4
Breakfast: Paleo Muesli (from this YouTube video... delish!)
Lunch: Leftover Mexican beef, roasted sweet potatoes, and sauteed bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, and tomatoes (all mixed together. Yum!)
Dinner: Leftover scramble (eggs, bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, sweet potatoes)

Here are some more eats... nothing too exciting; I forgot to snap pictures of the really delicious stuff--like the chili we made! OMG, recipe to come, for sure... We'll be making it again soon!

Scrambled eggs and avocado (for breakfast. I've been eating avocados like it's my job! Also... why is tomatoes spelled tomatoes but avocados is spelled avocados? #englishinstructorproblems)

Mexican beef "skewers" (that we didn't skewer like the recipe said), roasted sweet potatoes, and sauteed bell peppers/onions/mushrooms/tomatoes... the impetus behind all those yummy leftovers mentioned above!

Paleo Shepherd's Pie (with ground turkey, carrots, mushrooms, and a mashed cauliflower topping)

Roasted chicken breast (I roasted a whole chicken with lemons, onions, garlic, and spices), roasted sweet potatoes, sauteed green beans

Egg white scramble with tomatoes, mushrooms, and broccoli

Taco salad with lettuce, tomato, avocado, salsa, and leftover taco meat

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