Saturday, February 9, 2013

Meet & Greet: Jesse and Stephen... And Lizzie!

Who are we? We are a young couple who fell for each other and the values instilled in each of us...
We decided to make healthful eating and regular exercise a part of our relationship from day one. Jesse takes the reins in the kitchen (though Stephen can certainly hold his own! Just ask about his Turkey/Buffalo burgers... delish!). Stephen is the brains behind the fitness side of things (though Jesse... well, she's pretty clueless. But she tries!). We keep things fresh not only in the kitchen but also with our workouts by changing it up and not sticking to the typical gym day-in-and-day-out routine. And how could we forget our cuddly cat, Lizzie, who one minute is snuggling next to us and the next minute swatting Stephen's hand away... typical cat.
Travel is important to both of us, but Stephen has the schemes to get us where we're going. He came up with an incentive-based workout program which helps pay for our travel, either partially or completely (depending on the trip). The days we both workout, either together or separately, we pay the other person's mileage walked/jogged/biked. The days we don't workout, or one of the two of us doesn't, nothing gets paid towards our travel. Simple incentives, but great rewards: $1 per mile, if 2.51 miles, we pay $3. If 2.41 miles, we pay $2.
Neither of us is particularly happy with our current weights, though the pounds are being shed! This blog is a chance for us to share our weight-loss journeys, our kitchen successes and disasters (trust us, not everything is delish! Stephen is still recovering from Jesse's Spaghetti Squash au Gratin.), as well as our dating adventures.

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