Saturday, February 16, 2013

Valentine's Day

Stephen and I had a great first Valentine's Day together. He didn't have (aka, skipped) school and came over before I left to go to work, so we were able to have a nice lunch pulled together from our food prep/grocery trip on Monday. I had mashed tuna and avocado spread on honey whole wheat bread topped with alfalfa sprouts, a tomato, and some canteloupe. Stephen had a ham and cheese sandwich on the same honey whole wheat bread. We both had water to drink.

I'll get veggies into this boy eventually.

Jesse's Lunch
Stephen's Lunch

After lunch, I had to go to work; I teach from 12:30-3:15 on Thursdays. Stephen went and ran the levee on LSU's campus.

Isn't it pretty? I, unfortunately, had to skip the run didn't have time to get a workout in after school.

Stephen sent me two dozen red roses to work. Aren't they gorgeous? I mean, if a girl has to go to work instead of go for a run on a gorgeous day, she should at least get flowers, right? 

So pretty! I'm pretty traditional, so I
love red roses!

When I got home, we exchanged the rest of the gifts. I got him a cast iron skillet (he wanted it, I swear! My mom got mad at me because it isn't a "romantic" gift). 

Um, what's not romantic about a gift that lasts a lifetime?

Stephen bought me dangling pearl earrings and a pearl necklace and he printed some pictures of us from Mardi Gras to put in my empty picture frames.

I'm wearing the jewelry that he bought me
in this pic
That picture frame had seriously been empty
since April 2012

After exchanging gifts, Stephen told me to go ahead and get ready because he was going to take me to New Orleans for dinner instead of going to the place he had in mind in Baton Rouge. Once we were on the interstate, I asked if I could guess where we were going (I knew we were going for Italian in a suburb of New Orleans). Stephen said yes, and I immediately shouted "Semolina's!" He was surprised I guessed so quickly and delighted when I followed that guess with "I LOVE Semolina's!" (We've never eaten there together).

Stephen had Lasagna (so good! I moused a
few bites)
I had Chicken Enchilada Pasta (even better
than Stephen's dish)

We also shared a bread pudding for dessert. The rum sauce was to. die. for. I may or may not have eaten more sauce than actual bread pudding... on a spoon. by itself.

We ended the night back at my apartment just cuddling on the couch before Stephen had to go home. A perfect day.

Playing footsie :)

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