Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter!! Starting of a New Tradition

Our first Easter together was a great day. We started the morning early for 10 am mass at St. Joseph's Cathedral with my parents. Mass was presided over by Bishop Robert Muench of Baton Rouge. After mass, my parents wanted a picture of us, which worked out because we wanted an Easter photo as well. Unfortunately, Jesse hates this picture. In fact, she hates dresses and heels... how did I find such a girl?

We then headed over to the Hilton in downtown Baton Rouge to eat at The Kingfisher for brunch.

After over indulging in lunch that could have satisfied us until Wednesday, we headed home to change and fry the homemade boudin balls we started cooking for a party later in the day.

After frying the boudin balls and braving the cold rain, we drove over to my buddy Greg's house to hang out with some friends and enjoy a great traditional Easter dinner. When we arrived at Greg's, the power was out, which was ok since we all started playing card games and chatting. We enjoyed playing with Greg's new puppy, Sassy, and visiting with Greg, John, Ryan, and Jason. Being able to share the holidays with family and friends was a reminder to both Jesse and I of what we envision our holidays being each time they come around, year in and year out.

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