Sunday, April 14, 2013

Saturday Happenings: Baton Rouge Blues Fest

This weekend, Stephen and I went downtown with some friends to enjoy the absolutely gorgeous weather, hear some local musicians, check out some local art, and sample local food. 

I've already said the weather was gorgeous, but seriously. Perfection. High in the low 80s with a nice breeze--perfect chance to break out the shorts and show off my ghostly-white legs! Stephen and I even bought our first piece of art together.

There were also lots of delicious eats to be had. Several local food trucks showed up, including Curbside burgers and my favorite, Taco de Paco! I had the shredded pork tacos with Thai slaw and sriracha, served with a side of chips and spicy salsa. 
I tried to get Stephen a burger topped with praline bacon from Curbside, but by the time we were hungry for dinner, they were (gasp!) out of meat! Instead, he settle for a link of crawfish boudin and a link of alligator sausage. He wasn't a fan of either (since they weren't fully cooked), and my friend and I actually ate most of the crawfish boudin. 

Because Stephen wasn't thrilled with either of his choices, he and my friend went to buy something else to eat. They both came back with more sausage... Now, I should say that I don't eat sausage. At all. Ever. Any kind. 

For whatever reason, I decided to be brave and try what I thought was alligator sausage. It wasn't until the next day that I found out it was actually pork sausage (which, rest assured, had I known, would have never entered my mouth). I'll let you watch the clip below to see my reaction to trying the sausage. 

Don't worry. I'll even wait while you finish laughing.


Done yet?


Ok. After the festival ended around 8PM, we found ourselves at a nearby bar, The Roux House. We sat outside for awhile while we waited for the 80s cover band, Werewolf, to take the stage.

There may or may not have been a few shots involved. Okay, there were... Skittles shots! My friends are notorious for buying shots once the drinking has gotten underway, and it would have been rude not to accept them. Obviously. 

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