Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Chef Creations: Delicious Healthy Dishes Created by a Home Chef

I'm serious when I say that I think I missed my calling as a chef. Don't get me wrong, I don't need a show on Food Network or anything, but I make some pretty darn good dishes. I had the inspiration for our dinner tonight from a trip to Houston where I saw an item on the menu and thought it was interesting. I'll give you a hint, I made mine more delicious, more healthy, and a quarter of the cost of the meal at their restaurant. If you want to know how, keep reading.

So over my birthday weekend I was in Houston. For my birthday lunch we went to Saltgrass Steakhouse. I'm not exactly sure the name they gave their steak, but it was a filet wrapped in bacon with bleu cheese on top and served with two sides. My two sides were a caesar salad and mashed potatoes. The item was on the dinner menu only for a list price of $24.99. Kinda steep for a steak I'd say.

Well, I recreated that dish for under $5. Simple delicious flavor, a ton fewer calories, and in the comfort of my own home. I bought two filets wrapped in bacon from the grocery store.... $5.25 for the pair. I bought a package with (7) 1 oz. servings for $7.29 (you only use 0.5 oz per steak). Butter melted on top was only 1 Tbsp, so roughly $.10. I bought three potatoes for $3.19. The rosemary I had growing outside on the patio. The shredded parmesan cheese was $3.50 for 10 servings. The mashed potatoes made 6 servings.

So we'll break it down this way. 
Steak - $5.25/2 = $2.63. Bleu Cheese - $7.29/14 = $0.52, Butter - $0.10.   
2.63+0.52+.10 = $3.25 for the steak itself. 
Potatoes - $3.19/6 = $0.53, Butter - $0.20, Parmesan cheese - ($3.50/10)*2.5 = $0.88, Rosemary - FREE. 
$0.53+0.20+0.88 = $1.61 for cheesy mashed potatoes with rosemary, which was better tasting that the mashed potatoes from the restaurant.

So instead of eating in a restaurant paying $24.99 for one or $49.98 for two, I recreated the dish for one person for $4.86 or to dine with someone, two people for $9.72.

Cheesy Mashed Potatoes with Rosemary
Make 6 Servings
Nutritional Facts (per 1 serving):
105 Calories, 4g Fat, 6mg Cholesterol, 1437mg Sodium, 325mg Potassium, 14g Carbs, 1g Fiber, 
1g Sugars, 4g Protein, 7% Vitamin A, 23% Vitamin C, 18% Calcium, 4% Iron

3 Medium Potatoes
1 cup Unsweetened Almond Milk
3/8 cup Shredded Parmesan Cheese
1 Tsp. Diced Rosemary


1. Cut off the skin of the potatoes and then dice into 1 inch cubes.

2. Place pieces into a pot and cover the potatoes with water.

3. Bring potatoes to a boil.

4. After cooking for 6-8 min., check the potatoes with a fork to see if they are soft enough for mixing.

5. Add almond milk, rosemary, and parmesan cheese.

6. Blend together by hand or a blender. Add almond milk if the mixture starts to harden when mixing.

7. Serve and enjoy.

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